Sunday, June 22, 2008


hey shaelie hows life with the family? good or bad...
Hey Jessica its good and bad like any other family!
not like my family it is like a heven in our house!!!
Liar! Did you read my other posts? I cant wait till this afternoon! Can you!?
do you mean for church because if you do yes and no because yes that it is church and no because you are there!!!lol jk
I Had poptarts this morning so i am really not in the mood!!! So you like when im at church with you dont you?
yayaya...but normaly you are extremly hyper when you eat sugar in the morning an you are always in a mood for an awsome joke.right?
Right!!!! you know me so well im like totaly hyped up in sugar so my moods are swinging on a cliff today!!! I miss black!!! And ?
RED!!!! you are so bi-polar you freak!!! also you should really build a bridge and get over it because you need to live without him for like 2 more days k? GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are right red but also wrong!! I am so over him i just still miss them!!! LOL Just kidding! Anyways you like a guy too and you miss him too!
ya but not really miss him more like long 4 him...JK. he is going to centenial and im going to my ward...khfuiehvnukeahufjvhnwuishvcjwmhrbnuijvnjkswbvjkhswgfvmjihw
that is shaelies favorite word...heehee
ya i wanna stop now lets go! Bye!!
bye loser!!! teehee

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