Saturday, July 19, 2008

I WENT TO VEGAS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me my sis, my brothers(Kade,Scout,And Asher), And my mom all went to Circus Circus! From 12pm to 7pm it was awesome! We rode LOTS of rides almost all of them and lots of repeats! We went on all of the really scarey ones! And trust me they were REALLY scarey! Ask Taylor I was screaming the whole time in her ear thankfully she didnt get annoyed! Actully she thought it was hillarius! And would not stop laughing!I on the other hand did NOT think it was funny(until after the ride)! But anyways.... After we went there we went home and switched parents. So at 8pm to 2am Me, my sis, kade, and my dad all went to the strip again!!!!!!!!!! Ya it was awsome! So first we stuck our heads out the roof window of our van while my dad drove down the strip to park and i got like 3 pics while doing that. Then we walked down like half the strip and stopped at places like the M&M factory, and to take pics. Then we stopped at New York, New York to eat and take pics. Then we rode the Nw York, New York roller coster! Then we stopped at most of the souvinier shops cause Taylor wanted to buy stuff( even though we did not get anything!). Then we saw the water show! And took pics! Then we went to the Paris Casino(Which is my fave because they're motto is "Everything is Sexier in Paris!" LOL) And got icecream and drinks! Then we took the Paris tour and it was a blast!! We got to go up to the very top of the Casino /fake Eiffel Tower! And we took lots of pics there! Then it became 1:30am and we had to go home so we walked back to the car and drove down the strip with our heads out the roof again! Then at 2am we arived home and it is 3:30am right now and I am quite tired so i will post some pics tomarrow!

Love Shaelie!!!

P.S. I did not stop thinking of Black!
P.S.S. I Love Black!

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